International School at Gregory


Every Student Succeeds Where the Extraordinary is Ordinary


Questions & Answers

My child already speaks Spanish and does well in English, why should I consider this program?
The benefits of the program include:
  • exposure to other cultures and languages;
  • opportunity to become bilingual and bi-literate;
  • academic growth;
  • preparation to meet challenges in a global society;
  • increased self-esteem and confidence; and
  • career advantages in the future.
How much instruction will be delivered in Spanish? In English?
Your child will receive 50% of their instruction in both Spanish and English
In what language will art, music, PE, guidance, computers, and media be taught?
These classes will be taught in English. Support services such as AIG, EC and /or ESL are also delivered in English.
Are the Spanish teachers native Spanish speakers? 
Yes. Teachers are provided thru the Visiting International Faculty (VIF) Program and must meet VIF and Department of Public Instruction certification and employment standards.
How can I help my child if I don’t speak the ‘second” language?
The most important thing you can do at home is read to your child in English. Reading in any language supports the acquisition of reading skills such as fluency, vocabulary building, and comprehension. Your child's homework should support what he has learned in class, so students should be able to tackle the assignment on their own. You will be able to identify what skill is being addressed and support learning in the skill, even if you can only help in English. Homework should not be a struggle if it is, please talk with your child's teacher
If my child is accepted to attend the International School at Gregory, will transportation be provided?
Yes, transportation will be provided
If my third grader is already attending, will there be sibling privilege for my rising kindergartener?
Yes, there will be sibling privilege.
If my child enters the immersion program in kindergarten, will there be middle school opportunities as well?
Yes, the program is a K-8 model. Starting in 2016-17, native Spanish speakers who are proficient in reading and writing Spanish may apply to the 6th grade immersion program. In addition, non-native Spanish students may apply for language instruction in Spanish and/or Mandarin.