International School at Gregory


Every Student Succeeds Where the Extraordinary is Ordinary


Technology & Internet Safety

In order to use the Internet, all Gregory students and their parents/guardians must sign the following forms:
Technology Forms
Go to these sites to learn about Internet Safety:

NetSmartz -
Spanish Resources -
Safetynet Kids -
"If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow."
-John Dewey
The following technology can be found on the Gregory Campus:
Classrooms K-7
  • 1 teacher station connected to sound system, mounted projector, SMART Board, SMART Airliner, and Document camera 
  • 1:1 iPads in the classrooms (one iPad per student) 
  • Senteos or SMART Remotes
  • A telephone with voice mail
  • All teachers have a web page maintained monthly
  • Each staff member has an e-mail account
  • Apple TV in almost every classroom
Media Center
The school media coordinator plays an important role in teaching students how to access and use information from the Internet, books, and encyclopedias. The media specialist assists students in choosing the appropriate tools for collecting information in multiple formats.

Our media specialist keep the library running all day long with over 7000 books circulating every week.  Two computers are use for the automated circulation in the Media Center.  The media center has an Internet-based card catalog system which can be access at home by students and parents. 
Thirteen computers as well as two network laser printers, one color and one black.  SMART board, remote system, airliner, data projector, sound system and document camera.
Apple TV
A set of GPS - check out for classroom use

Science Lab
One desktop computers and a laser printer
Netbooks to connect to the robots when needed
Venier sensors - temperature, motion and more.
The science lab has also the other equipment listed under classrooms
Our Science Teacher is Mr. John Pellizzari